Aromama Oil blend for nasal care Bugaboo


Oil blend for nasal care Bugaboo – without a doubt, the most popular aromáma product since 2011. No wonder why! Gentle yet very effective – aromatherapy product Bugaboo. It is specially created for runny noses. It instantly eases breathing, clears blocked nose and stops runny nose from dripping. Tea tree essential oil has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties therefore it helps to kill microorganisms which cause runny noses, or at least it stops runny nose to get worse. Since the base of the blend is sweet almond oil, it nourishes and soothes nasal area as well as the surrounding skin.

Bugaboo is suitable from 6 months old and for the rest of the family! It is safe to use for pregnant and nursing mums.

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How to use Oil blend for nasal care Bugaboo:

apply small amount of oil into the nostrils, as often as 2 hours. For smaller babies apply it with cotton ear bud, older children and adults can use their finger. Drippings inside the nasal passages are strongly not advised.

Little tip! Bugaboo is not a drug/medicine. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, use the product as soon as you first notice signs of a runny nose.

Interesting! Aromatherapy works not only through senses and smells, but also through the skin. If a child has a cough, rub the bled in to their skin around chest and back area, it will help to soothe cough and ease breathing.

20 ml